Thursday, March 26, 2009

U of U

Kindra had her audition for the U of U Marching Band and got in. She is attending SLCC but can play on the UofU Band. So Happy Day!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Kindra is getting better every day. Her physical body is getter stronger every day. She is done with physical therapy and is working on things by herself. Her brain injury is slowly getting better and we are seeing changes in her on a daily basis, she has had a few sad days but seems to be dealing with them better. Kindra is working hard to get her home work done and still trying to catch up. The biggest challenge is for Kindra to get the sleep she needs for her brain to recover and to get all her home work done.

p.s. sorry I have not posted a lot we are just not having as big changes in her to report.