Friday, October 31, 2008
Happy Halloween
Kindra was doing better this morning, they have put a motion sickness patch on the back of her ear to try and help with the dizziness. It seems to work while she is in bed but she has not stood yet to see if it will help then as well. I am going up later this afternoon with my kids to trick-or-treat her so I will post more pictures later.
Please feel free to leave comments for Kindra, it really helps her to know that people are checking in on her progress.
Please feel free to leave comments for Kindra, it really helps her to know that people are checking in on her progress.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Note from Alice
Alice has had a few questions on why Kindra is still in the hospital and how long she will have to stay, first we have a tentative release date of November 17th. then to answer the rest Alice sent this email:
What the doctors are saying about Kindra, The easy, but very painful problem is her pelvis which they did surgery on and she is on ton's of pain medications. The harder to understand TBI (traumatic brain injury) problems, Kindra had a small bleed on her brain, which has caused some physical problems. Her brain lost a lot of the information that controls the left side to her body and now she has to relearn how to use it. She is also having issues with her inner ear and being motion sick all the time. The therapists are very positive that she will make a full recovery. It has been a very stressful week with lots of ups and downs and some very scary moments, but we are very excited by how hard she is working and how quick she is progressing. Plus she has nerve damage at her thigh
What the doctors are saying about Kindra, The easy, but very painful problem is her pelvis which they did surgery on and she is on ton's of pain medications. The harder to understand TBI (traumatic brain injury) problems, Kindra had a small bleed on her brain, which has caused some physical problems. Her brain lost a lot of the information that controls the left side to her body and now she has to relearn how to use it. She is also having issues with her inner ear and being motion sick all the time. The therapists are very positive that she will make a full recovery. It has been a very stressful week with lots of ups and downs and some very scary moments, but we are very excited by how hard she is working and how quick she is progressing. Plus she has nerve damage at her thigh
Afternoon Update
I spoke to Alice and Kindra was doing better. She was able to make it to physical therapy and was making cookies with occupational therapy for Halloween. She is done with therapy at 4 p.m. if people want to visit. Plus I have heard that if you ask for rehab they can give you a map with a better way to get to the room but I am not sure what that is.
YW Visit
Dizzy Morning
Alice got to the hospital about 6:45 and Kindra was still asleep, usually she is awake and waiting. Kindra is really dizzy this morning. When she opens her eyes the room is spinning, they are still working on the best way to get the motion sickness under control.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Night check in
Kindra had a long day, Alice (her mom) also attended some classes about the rehab process. They are doing some adjustments with her medication to try and maker her more comfortable. When I called her cousin and Aunt were painting her finger nails and toes. Each day has its ups and downs but tonight
Therapy times
Kindra is in therapy from 10:30 - 4 today. I talked to kindra on the phone, she had a bad night, her pants kept pushing on her pins. Once they fixed her pants she slept better.
she seemed to have a real positive outlook this morning
she seemed to have a real positive outlook this morning
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Night update
Today was evaluation day to see the areas Kindra needs therapy, Their are 3 areas: first is Physical Therapy (large motor skills like walking), Second is occupational therapy (fine motor skills like getting dressed, opening jars & writing), third is Cognitive and Speech.
Kindra past the Cognitive & Speech evaluation 100% and will not need any therapy in that area. She can now focus more time on her Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy. For physical Therapy she did walking around the area. For Occupational therapy she got dressed and drew a flower.
Kindra past the Cognitive & Speech evaluation 100% and will not need any therapy in that area. She can now focus more time on her Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy. For physical Therapy she did walking around the area. For Occupational therapy she got dressed and drew a flower.
Tuesday's Visit
Funny Story:
They told her no more bedpan, that she would have to get up to use the bathroom. She was not happy but Alice said that no one would take care of her bedpan at home. Kindra said she would pay Karissa to do it. When Alice asked how much, Kindra said $20.00. Alice explained she would run out of money fast so just start getting up.
Tuesdays Rehab
Kindra's rehab is from 11:15-3:15. If you want to visit call her cell or her mom's because her room is hard to find.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Kindra has moved to Rehab. She was not thrilled to move but settled down as the day went on. They are still trying to figure out a good pain medication for her. She shares a room with 2 other teenage girls. Today Alice helped her learn to use her nurse call button and to use her bed. Tonight will be her first night at the hospital by herself and she is a little nervous.
Visiting works a little different in rehab, you cannot visit during rehab hours. The hours are given every morning and I will try to post the hours each morning. I will be visiting her tomorrow and will get more pictures posted.
Visiting works a little different in rehab, you cannot visit during rehab hours. The hours are given every morning and I will try to post the hours each morning. I will be visiting her tomorrow and will get more pictures posted.
Monday Morning
Kindra is doing good, the pain meds. are making her sick. They are going to try Tylenol to see if it makes her feel better. She should be moved today to rehab and I will give more information once I have some.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Sunday Visit
I went to see Kindra and she was doing better. She could lift up her arm a little and could even smile. She will be moved to rehab unit Monday and will stay for 1 week to 10 days. She wants to be home sooner but we want the best recovery for her as possible. I did get to take the sacrament with her and Alice, what a great experience of how simple and sweet the gospel is.
Good Morning
I spoke with Alice a little bit ago and they are having a slightly better day then yesterday. She is very determined to get home, but we are unsure of when that will be possible. Plus Dion said she has lifted her arm a little.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
This is a link to pictures of Kindra and the car. Dion is posting more pictures at random so check back as often as you would like.
Kindra has had a harder day today, the realization of what has happened is starting to set in. She did stand up, her left arm is still not working very well and Alice is trying to help her work on that all the time.
Alice held up her arm so that she could give us a thumbs up. Her right arm works great and her signing class is really coming in handy.
She opened her eyes and even had some candy while we visited her. He face is healing but still swollen.
Please keep her in your prayers
I sent this blog for family and friends to post notes of encouragement and love as Kindra recovers from her accident. Also look for updates on her recovery.
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