Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween

Kindra was doing better this morning, they have put a motion sickness patch on the back of her ear to try and help with the dizziness. It seems to work while she is in bed but she has not stood yet to see if it will help then as well. I am going up later this afternoon with my kids to trick-or-treat her so I will post more pictures later.

Please feel free to leave comments for Kindra, it really helps her to know that people are checking in on her progress.


Anonymous said...

You dont know me, but I have chated with your dad about fish exc.. When I read and saw the pics of the wreck it blew me away and that is saying something, Ive worked ER for 3 years and WOW girl your going to be just fine. I enjoy hearing how its going and seeing you overcome such great obsticals. You and you fam have showen me what true faith is....

Anonymous said...

hey kindra! happy halloween! i hope you're doing good! keep on smiling! i just wanted you to know that all of the flutes missed you in california, but we kept you in our thoughts and prayers. We're trying to come out and visit, but we're having a hard time picking a time everyone can go! i love you and so do the rest of the flutes! get better fast!

Unknown said...

you hang in there, remember to laugh! play pranks, joke and have as much fun as possible, live moment to moment if you have to, hang in there, pray often, keep busy.

Fish guy in Spanish Fork.