Thursday, October 30, 2008

YW Visit

The YW president came to visit Kindra yesterday with a bag of stuff. This is some of the things they had to cheer her up, Kindra up it on for the picture.


Becky said...

It is so great to see you having a little fun. I love you.

Anonymous said...

This outfit is more flattering than that hospital gown you were in at first.

Anonymous said...

Hey Kindra,
Happy Halloween!!
I have a joke for you to play on others. Pretend that you are asleep and when someone gets close to you open your eyes and yell "boo." My uncle use to do this when he was in the hospital.:)
Take care and know that I am thinking of you and you are in my prayers. your friend, kay carrington

Anonymous said...

Hey Kindra
Hang in there. We will be able to lay and talk about art history soon.
Love Grandma